About Us

Our Mission

CertiPath develops and promotes ground-breaking technologies and services that enable high-assurance credentials to support the role identities play in network and physical security. A cornerstone of converged security is knowing who is in your network and in your facilities and that those identities have been validated. Providing solutions that address the use, validation, and integration of high-assurance identities is CertiPath’s mission.


CertiPath was founded in 2004 to solve one of the most difficult problems in online security: determining whether a digital identity validly represents a person or “thing” requesting access to a network. Trusted digital identities are critical to the security of networks, data, assets, and facilities. The heart of CertiPath’s success is our unparalleled experience in creating innovative, scalable products and services that ensure the highest levels of validation for digital identities that attempt to access customers’ networks.


CertiPath believes in the importance of identities and the role they play in security. The use of high-assurance credentials has grown exponentially and underlies a zero trust-centric approach. Reliable identity has a critical impact on both your facility’s and data’s security; holding those identities to the highest level of validation provides the basis of trust within your enterprise. The basis of effective security starts with a phishing-resistant credential and includes verifying the validity of every credential, every time and in real time. Performing these security measures before your organization relies on an identity credential prevents an enormous percentage of all known compromise vectors. This belief is the foundation of our products and services.


CertiPath has carefully selected its leadership team from several areas of expertise. Our dynamic and diverse cultural background helps us address complex challenges in a continuously changing landscape of technology and policies. We drive innovative solutions through our most valuable asset: our employees.

Leadership Team

Jeff Nigriny
Chief Executive Officer and Founder

Tina Davis
Chief Financial Officer

Daniel Myslewski
Vice President of Sales and Marketing

George Baker
Chief Information Security Officer